Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Zealand!?!

Yes that’s right, Selkie is on long term hiatus in the land where vowels become strange.  You drive on the lift (left), go up in a luft (lift= elevator) Wh is pronounced “f” and the letter g doesn’t always exist even when its in a word.  For the next seven months I will be traveling, working and surfing in the truly magical land of New Zealand, and I owe many apologies to my thus far few readers for the lack of updates in the time spent preparing for and beginning this adventure.  My hope is to continue to post my thoughts/ discoveries/ adventures surrounding surfing and green concepts as well as mix in travel blogs as I move around and seek out surf.  New Zealand is a relatively environmentally conscious country, and my girlfriend and I have chosen to travel here in large part to experience a culture which embraces living well with the land and sea.  I feel that these two types of posts should mix well and that I will probably have opportunities to share examples of eco conscious and healthy living as it is practiced by New Zealanders.  So, over the next few weeks, look for a few catchup blogs with fantastical photography (provided by nature more than my camera skills), reflections on the origins of my company name and my own history, and next up, an exciting board that I finished just before I left which accompanies an exciting announcement.  If you would like more detail on the travel side of our adventures as well as musings on simple living, my girlfriend is a much more avid blogger and has been writing on simple living, cooking, gardening, crafting and our travels for some time at Frolics From Scratch.